Reducing Power with Advanced Clock
Tree Synthesis:
Clock trees pose a growing
challenge to advanced node IC design, particularly with regard to the chip
power consumption. Clocks are the single largest source of dynamic power usage,
which makes clock tree synthesis (CTS) and optimization as a good place to
achieve significant power savings.
In today’s leading-edge designs,
CTS is further complicated by two relatively recent developments: the explosion
in the number of modes, corners, and power domains across which the clock must
operate, and the increasing resistance and variation in resistance between
design corners.
It has become essential to have a
power-aware, multi-corner multi-mode (MCMM) CTS with smart clock gate handling,
slew shaping, register clumping, and other advanced techniques for reducing
power, skew, area, and buffer count.
Multiple Modes, Corners, Power Domains Impact Clock Power:
Variability associated with
multiple design modes, process corners, and power states makes balancing clocks
more challenging than ever. Using a CTS engine that cannot efficiently and
accurately represent more than a couple of mode/corner scenarios leads to
errors due to multiple manual CTS runs, longer design times, and lost
performance and power because of
over-buffering and over-margining required when mode/corner/voltage scenarios
are processed serially.
Process Scaling Effects on Clock
Power :
At smaller geometries, resistance
per unit length of interconnect is rapidly increasing when compared to
capacitance, and if not addressed, could impact circuit performance and clock
trees. In addition to the increasing resistance, the variation of these values
is also increasing.
Low-Power CTS Techniques:
Clock power consumption is a factor
of capacitance, switching activity, and wire length. Low-power CTS strategies
include lowering overall capacitance and minimizing switching activity. Some of
the advanced techniques to help address power, and also timing, are listed
- Reducing functional skew and skew across corners
by using MCMM CTS
- Lowering leaf cluster capacitance with register
clumping and clock gate cloning and de-cloning
- Improving clock gating coverage with
netlist-level gating, hierarchical gating and activity based gating
- Minimizing switching activity with smart clock
gate placement
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